2014年10月13日 星期一

路 — 寫在 2014年夏季長途旅行歸來之後 / Road: About the Long Journey in Summer 2014

有段時間很熱衷於旅行,那是在二十幾歲的年紀、正值求學和剛出社會的階段,憑藉著一股想突破書本和課堂中的所學的衝勁,積極向外探索未知的事物。直到2007年的那趟間隔年 (gap year) 長途旅行歸來之後,想法有所轉變,而後就不再頻繁地出遊。一度以為不會再有類似的長途旅行了,然而世事難料,今年夏天偶然有了個機會,也就樂得順隨這個難得的機遇了。

I once keen on traveling when I was twenties. At that time, I enthusiastically exploring unknown things so as to get beyond the limitation of the knowledge learned from school and books. After my gap year journey in 2007, I changed my mind and don’t travel frequently anymore. I once thought I wouldn’t make a long journey anymore. However, I occasionally get a chance to do it again this summer. 

這次去的地方主要是在印度最北部喜馬拉雅山沿線的拉達克 (Ladakh)、喜馬恰爾 (Himachal) 地區境內。這些地方在地理上位於西藏高原西部邊緣,人文風貌以西藏文化為主。每年一到夏秋之際,主要來自西方國家的旅人們不辭山高水遠而到訪,為的是那些深山裡難得一見的美景 、遺世獨立的村莊和有著質樸美感的人事物。

This time I mainly visited the places in Ladakh and Himachal regions of north India which are on the edge of western Tibetan plateau. Tibetan culture is the majority culture in the places. In summer and autumn of each year, the travellers mainly from western countries come to the faraway places for the unusual beautiful scenery of deep mountains, the isolated villages, and the things with unadorned beauty.

早晨陽光下的冰川(Drang Drung冰川,Zanskar地區)
A glacier under morning sunshine (Drang Drung glacier, Zanskar district)

A village’s afternoon (Karsha village, Zanskar district)

A monastery in deep mountains (Phuktal monastery, Zanskar district)

A little monk having dinner (Phuktal monastery, Zanskar district)

A calf pushing an iron shelf (Mud village, Pin valley)


In this journey, as before, I saw many beautiful scenery. But this time what especially touched me was not the extreme beautiful scenery, but the roads. Since this time I had more chances to travel by trekking and hitchhiking, I can close and feel the roads more. It’s always a suffering for travellers to walk or ride on the bumping roads under burning sun and sandy winds, while the roads are located in the interior of central Asia where is high, cold, and dry.

A road in a vally (Padum valley, Zanskar district)

A road in a river vally (Near to Bardan village, Zanskar district)


Since less in development and small population, hours of time have to be spent to wait while hitchhiking. The vehicles can be hitched are mostly trucks, tractors, or other vehicles not for carrying passengers, hence it’s inevitable to spend time on bumping roads with the cargos on a vehicle. There are still some specifically faraway villages which can’t be accessed by vehicles and connected through trails for humans and animals. As a result, the ancient transportation methods using animals can still be seen there.

A trail in a gourge (Near to Phuktal monastery, Zanskar district)

A train of horses carrying goods (Near to Cha village, Zanskar district)


When walking on the trails in the places with severe terrain, especially for the traills on a cliff, each step is a risk. Sometimes special transportation means are used. For instance, in the riverside small villages which are not affordable to build bridges, steel ropes are usually used as the transportation means to other places. However, inner struggles are inevitable for travellers to use a steel rope to cross river. 

A trail on a cliff  (Near to Anmu village, Zanskar district)

A cliff on a side of a trail (Near to Anmu village, Zanskar district)

使用溜索渡河 (Siluk村附近,Spiti山谷)
Using a steel rope to cross river (Near to Siluk village, Spiti valley)


The severe environment cause frequent disasters. Natual disasters such as mudflows and landslides and traffic accidents are often encountered or heard whenever traveling in the places. The disasters often block the traffic and force passengers to change route, wait for long time, or even stay on halfway. Good luck is needed to travel all the way without an accident.

A suspension bridge which is seriously damaged by  mudflows.  I’m calm before and during crossing the bridge, though cannot help but using coarse languages after crossing it  (Pin valley)

* * * * *


Tough journeys are undoubtedly a trial to the physical condition of a person. However, the achievement a journey, especially for a long journey, will eventually depend on mental strength. There’s a condition inevitably be encountered in a journey: a person walks on a strange route with heavy luggages to find a place to stay overnight while sunset is near. Anxiety, doubt, fear or other negative emotions emerge when almost exhausted.

On the way trekking to Mud village.  In a hurry because sunset was near.  (Pin valley)


Negative emotions are often come along with the discomfort of body. The weakness of a person’s character always reveals itself under the attack from both physical and mental sides. At the time, the willpower and the ability to deal with emotions are the key factors to sustain the journey. In addition, many events and even the dangers such as stealing and robbery will often affect the process of a journey. Therefore, the ability to act according to circumstances is needed while the capability to keep calm is more important.


I visited many places in Tibetan culture regions in the countries include India and China. I visited there repeatedly although similar dangers and difficulties are always encountered in the journeys because I favor the pure and unadorned beauty of Tibet, as the snow capped mountains, the lakes, and the simple, honest, and unspoiled people. However, beautiful things are always fragile. When the pure and unadorned beauty are gradually polluted by material civilization, I cannot help but continue to look for the next pure land.

清澈的高原湖泊(Drang Drung冰川附近,Zanskar地區)
A clear lake on plateau (Near to Drang Drung glacier,Zanskar district)


After repeatedly similar pursuing process for several times, I finally found it’s the portrayal of my life: there’re always ideals in my mind which I repeatedly pursuing for. As a matter of fact, it’s not much different from most people’s life: always busy for satisfying desires, and offset the emptiness feeling after satisfying a desire by satisfying another desire. Finally, the satisfaction is getting hard to achieve while the emptiness feeling is getting serious. The pursuing is seemed endless, but what can I do instead of repeatedly it?

Walk on a trail in mountains (Near to Phuktal monastery, Zanskar district)


After the journey seven years ago, I began to explore my inner world instead of merely pursuing outwardly. Although the exploring is not performed through traveling, it’s another style of journey because I explored many new thing in the process.

* * * * *


This journey is different from the journeys in the past because some of the places with many memories are revisited. After seven years, the originally unadorned towns become to the citys which cater to tourists more. I feel some sad after seeing the scene.

A billboard of a street reconstruction project.  It can be seened that the new street will in a style with the ideas of other cultures. (Leh)


For me, what most important in the journeys are people I met, rather than the beautiful scenery. Whether the locals or the travellers met in there, most of them have the character common with that land. In those tough journeys, I accepted their helps for numerous times, and they even prompted me the resolution of the difficult problems of my life. Hence, I have a special affection toward the land and the people, while being afraid to see the changes I don’t want to see.

A little girl who has clear eyes in a crowded bus. (Suru valley)


However, a matter is always have both advantageous and disadvantageous. Behind the unadorned beauty is the shortage of material conditions. When the travellers enjoying the original beauty, the locals may suffering with diseases since the shortage of medical resources. Crisis of decline are hidden behind the beautiful surface. If a person merely want to be a passing visitor who only grab the beautiful aspect to satisfy himself, he will be afraid to destroy his beautiful memories and ignore the positive aspect of civilization development.

往內心探索的過程中,我體會到人性與事物的一些共同點,因而開始懂得去體諒,進而本著體諒的心去關愛人事物。漸漸地能夠包容不盡如己意的人事物,以至於從不完美中品味出別樣的美好,因為那種關愛之情的極致就是世間的最高美德:道家的「慈」、佛教的「慈悲」、基督教的「愛」,它所蘊含的無私精神足以讓人超越個人的得失,就如同《聖經》中提到的:「愛是恆久忍耐、又有恩慈... 不求自己的益處... 凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐」。

In the process when I explore my inner world, I realize some common points between human nature and things. Consequently, I began to show understanding for others and to care others in accordance with the understanding, then I can gradually endure the things not according to my wishes. It’s because the extreme of the care is the highest morality: so called “gentleness” in Daoism, “mercy” in Bhuddism, and “love” in Christianity, which imply unselfishness which beyond the gain and loss of individuals.

Christ Church (Shimla)


Hence, now I’m more willing to try to “grow up” with them by observing my inner world while seeing their changes, rather than being a passing visitor as in the past. I’ll try to accept the rise and decline of things so as to relief from the gain and loss of myself, instead of wasting the life by meaningless pursuing. In comparison with pursuing outwardly, the journey of exploring one’s inner world is more difficult and dangerous because one have to face the defect of himself and the fears in the depths of heart: more courage and patience are needed.

* * * * *


Life itself is just similar to a long journey, which beautiful times are the smaller part while the larger part are nothing exciting or even need to endure. Although everyone ever experience the complex flavor of life, seldom of them can enjoy life. Maybe life is just like liquor: one have to endure the hot and the bitter of liquor first before enjoying its sweet; one can only gradually know how to taste liquor after sampled various types of liquors.

Overnight riding in a barren.  It’s a ride more than ten hours, which is long, tiresome and dull. (On the way from Leh to Manali)


Since the journey seven years ago, I occationally realize the implication of philosophy through Zen method and Daoist theories. In addition to study philosophy and religion which I originally unfamiliar with, I also studied humanities subjects such as art and music. I tried to grasp the spirits of those subjects thoroughly to put them into practice in every aspect of life, thereby learning to enjoy life. I verified the achievements of these years’ efforts through this journey.

Walking on a trail in a gorge (Near to Phuktal monastery, Zanskar district)


In comparison with the journey seven years ago, both my physical and mental conditions are generally improved. Although I faced many negative emotions as before, I can observe them accurately and then cope with them since I comprehend my inner condition sufficiently. Through this journey, it seemed even after these year’s experience in society, I’m still the person who can enjoy the difficulty, the danger, and the uncertainty in process, while hard to endure dull routine life: a wolf is impossible to be cultivated as a house dog.


Some memories of this journey will become to the nutrients of my life, which can be transformed to characters, instrumental voices, or the power to settle my life, which enhances my life. In recent years I invested in philosophy, music, and art of the east. In the future, I’ll invest in martial arts, Chinese medical science, and other related subjects, while in originally familiar subjects, so as to know more contents of eastern wisdom.

Playing guqin on the roof of a thousand years’ ancient temple. (Dhankar gompa,Spiti valley)

* * * * *


Eventually I realize that one can always find beautiful thing in everywhere while he can seize every moment by getting rid of senseless worries. As one time I saw a wind bell hanged on a cornor of a temple, which just swung with wind, and made the heavenly music which can not be made by human. It’s just as Daoist thoughts which teach us the achievement of anything eventually depends on some tangible/intangible powers other than human instead of the effort humans. Hence, there’s no necessary to worry about the achievement too much.

A wind bell swings with wind (Likir gompa)


In this journey I walked through many roads which not well paved, and realize the difficulty to build roads in the severe environment. Especially when I walked on the trails in the places with severe terrain, I sincerely appreciate the road builders since every step was depend on their works, because I know my journey will be more difficult. Hence, from now on, in every place where I am, I will be more willing to try to be a good fellow traveller for the people who I meet on the road of each other’s life.

Road builders (Zanskar district)


In the season of west wind, it seemed like there are some smells of the remote place in the air. Will the people in the remote place be prepared before the severe winter comes? Wish they will feel a little more warmer in the several months’ frozen, when they think of the traveller came from a faraway place. Wish the warm east wind of next spring will come earlier, and bing my greeting to the remote place.

Traveller on road (Leh)
